Metabolic Fundamentals:

Understanding the Impact of Lipids

Sitting has been called «the new smoking» due to its impact on health. Spending hours seated each day contributes to obesity, leading to several issues such as metabolic syndrome, circulatory problems and other physical discomforts, while also affecting mood and cognitive function (Sanford Health, 2024).

Metabolic health is at the forefront of public discussion today, with over one-third of adults in the United States suffering from some form of metabolic syndrome (Saklayen, 2018).

In fact, it is estimated that most Americans are unaware they lack good metabolic health, and more than 38% are already experiencing complications such as prediabetes (Center for Disease Control, 2024).

One way to manage weight is through a balanced diet that includes an appropriate distribution of macronutrients: lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Combining a well-balanced diet with consistent physical activity is essential for maintaining health and preventing excess weight gain. Among macronutrients, lipids have the highest energy density and play a fundamental role in supporting functions and overall care of the human body. (Rolls, 2017)

Recognizing the actual context of population, Alianza Team leverages the deep knowledge of our experts in lipid science and its effects on health. Lipids are essential for proper body function, including storing energy, making hormones, and forming cell membranes.

Special lipids can influence multiple pathways to impact metabolic performance when incorporated into a balanced diet and paired with regular physical exercise in this context lipids could offer various benefits, including:

Join us in our mission to nurture a better tomorrow by leveraging our experimental knowledge and expertise to create innovative products that promote wellbeing.

Our team of experts has generated valuable insights through prototyping and monitoring the shelf-life of powdered and emulsified products with different fruit flavors, allowing us to create customized solutions to meet the specific needs of consumers.

We have the knowledge and experience to help you create a winning product. With our deep understanding of the science behind lipids and their effects on wellbeing, we can help you design products that deliver benefits to your customers.

Your Partner in
Lipid-Based Innovation

At Alianza, we recognize the vital role lipids play in metabolic health and overall well-being. Our deep understanding of lipid science, allows us to create innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of consumers.

Tailor-made lipid solutions: We leverage our knowledge to develop customized lipid-based products that address specific needs.

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Baker, E., Miles, E., & Calder, P. (2021). A review of the functional effects of pine nut oil, pinolenic acid and its derivative eicosatrienoic acid and their potential health benefits. Progress in Lipid Research, 82, 15.

Center for Disease Control. (2024, May 15). National Diabetes Statistics Report | Diabetes. CDC. Retrieved January 8, 2025, from

Eliza, K. (2013). Lipids and Their Roles in Physiological Processes. American Journal of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology, 13, 2.

Juarez, E., Chávez, N., Uribe, M., & Barbero, V. (2015). Role of bioactive fatty acids in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Nutrition Journal, 14, 10.

Miklankova, D., Markova, I., Hüttl, M., Stankova, B., & Malinska, H. (2022). The Different Insulin-Sensitising and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Palmitoleic Acid and Oleic Acid in a Prediabetes Model. Journal Diabetes Research, 2022, 14.

Rocca, A., LaGreca, J., Kalitsky, J., & Brubaker, P. (2021). Monounsaturated Fatty Acid Diets Improve Glycemic Tolerance through Increased Secretion of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1. Endocrinology, 142, 7.

Rolls, B. J. (2017). Dietary energy density: Applying behavioural science to weight management. Nutrition Bulletin, 42(3), 246–253.

Saklayen, M. (2018). The Global Epidemic of the Metabolic Syndrome. Curr Hypertens Rep., 20, 12.

Stanford Health. (2024, Feb). Sitting is the new smoking: ‘Truly a silent killer’. Sanford Health News. Retrieved Jan 8, 2024, from

Peláez-Jaramillo and other 13. (2020). Impact of a formulation containing unusual polyunsaturated fatty acids, trace elements, polyphenols and plant sterols on insulin resistance and associated disturbances. Diabetes Therapy, 11(1), 229-245.